GSASA Palestine Solidarity Society

  • Whatsapp image 2025 01 22 at 10.07.40



‘Art is not neutral. It either upholds or disrupts the status quo, advancing or regressing justice.’
—Adrienne Maree Brown, Emergent Strategy


GSASA Palestine Solidarity Society is open to any student or staff member who stands with Palestine and against Zionism. A key aim of our society is education and learning. The removal of people in Palestine is intrinsically linked to the removal of Palestinian culture and artforms. As a society we will aim to invite Palestinian creatives into GSA; raise awareness of local and international events; and create exhibition and workshop spaces.

Over the last year we have collected more than 350 signatures on our open letter to GSA management, made our voices heard in meetings about GSA’s investment policy, disrupted board meetings, held workshops and screenings, and raised funds for people in Gaza.

This semester, we will be meeting regularly to discuss how we can support Palestinian liberation and are open to any ideas you may have. We hope to host events, fundraisers and reading groups in the coming months.

We are looking for students to take the lead and participate in all aspects of organising, including banner making, flyering, holding fundraisers and screenings, research, letter writing, admin and social media.

We are also keen to make links with other student groups across the city.

Instagram: @gsa.palestinesolidaritysociety