Sabbatical Officers

The Sabbatical Team are your student representatives. Together, they ensure that your voice is heard at GSA and GSASA, and work to support the student body in campaigning and through the Student Representative Council.  


Student President 2024 - 2025

Alicia Bickerstaff 

Pronouns: They/She

Alicia was working as Vice President of the Students' Association in 2023 - 24 and is now taking on the exciting challenge of Student President. The spent that year organising numerous student events from extravagant club nights to markets and karoke nights and is bringing this same passion and zeal for creating social spaces to the role of Student President. 

Alicia is an interdisciplinary designer and sociologist specialising in human connection, inclusivity and care and hopes to bring these same ideals to make the Students' Association as safe a space as possible. They studied Design Innovation and Citizenship here at GSA, and their multi-disciplinary creative practice and academic research focuses on the creation of safer spaces and disruption of heteronormativity within higher education. 




Vice President 2023- 2024

RS Dennis

Pronouns: They/Them

R has just completed their Master's in Art Writing in the School of Fine Art. Their project was about homesickness, shame and different ways of presenting text in an exhibition setting. Before going back to school, they worked as a stage manager, which they continued with GSASA during their degree. Their undergraduate degree is in English Literature from the University of Pennsylvania. R is a native New Yorker and a big city enthusiast. Come speak to them about theatre, the 2024 US Presidential election, EDI versus DEI, and the trans healthcare fundraiser cabaret. 
